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2020-8-12 08:05|发布:河南鹏富德膜结构工程有限公司|点击数: 273

村 落| The Village


The design of the exhibition grounds is based upon a temporary urbanism created by the installation of a village of canopies, entirely demountable and reusable. The exhibitions grounds were constructed within a span of five months on an empty piece of land, facing both the historical wall of the city and the Atlas mountains. The main axis of the site connects to two of the principal roads of the city. The central spine, 680 meters long and 18 meters wide, unites all the elements of the program and is covered by a gigantic canopy along its entire length.

▼临时城市全景,Overall View of Temporary Urbansim

▼中轴展亭,central spine exhibition

*** 棚 | The Canopy

帐篷作为通用且原始的建筑形式,回应了人类在这个星球上的共同需求。庞大的敞篷结构覆盖了场地中央将近12000平方米的面积,由OUALALOU+CHOI事务所和制造商Serge Ferrari合作建造而成。建筑师应用预应力膜创造了开放透明的展亭同时满足了防水的需求。22届气候大会为建筑应用革新性的张力结构和材料提供了极好的机会。

The tent is a primitive and universal form of architecture that speaks to the common needs of man on this planet. The enormous tented structure over the central space covers 12 000m2 and arises from a collaboration between OUALALOU+CHOI and the manufacturer Serge Ferrari. The prestressed membrane is of an openwork design to create an effect of transparency while still remaining completely waterproof. The COP22 provided the opportunity to create an innovative tensile project, both in terms of its structure and its materiality.


▼革新性的张力结构和材料,an innovative tensile structure and material

门 户| The Gateway


This monumental installation, 12 meters high and 50 meters long, serves as a gateway to the plenary sessions. A complex geometry is constructed from a layering of elevations; the motif of a traditional doorway is carved out of the multitude of layers. Made of a stacking of identical wooden pieces locally sourced in Morocco, the structure is built in such a way as to enable the pieces to be taken down and reutilized to construct a series of pavilions in public gardens throughout the city.

▼纪念碑式的门户装置12米高50米长,This monumental installation, 12 meters high and 50 meters long

▼装置复杂的几何形态由层层的立面版拼接而成,A complex geometry is constructed from a layering of elevations

▼立面由采购于摩洛哥当地的一根根木条堆叠而成,Made of a stacking of identical wooden pieces locally sourced in Morocco

▼装置细节,installation details

▼全体会议厅内部,plenary interior

餐 厅 | The Restaurant


The two restaurants have been designed as interlocking structures that have been pulled apart to create a public agora at the heart of the village. This transveral landscape creates a transition between the zones of the negociators and the plenary halls. Built as an accretion of volumes and voids, the restaurants and adjacent gardens allude to traditional urban compositions in the villages around Marrakech. They are built of modular wooden panels as temporary structures that will be dismantled, reassembled, and reused after the end of the COP22.

▼餐厅外观,Restaurant External View

▼餐厅内部,Restaurants Interior View

▼总平面,Master Plan





联 系 人:李经理


联 系 人:李经理

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